Enhance your Skin

We are made up of both matter and spirit. This means that our skin is more than just a visible layer outside, which is full of life and activity. It is an organ like other parts of our body and there is a need to keep it healthy and provide nutrition.


However, beauty is an inner experience. Like it is said that beauty lies in the heart of every person and it shines on every person's face in the form of radiance. The definition of beauty is beyond the skin, but still, our skin expresses beauty the most. 


Beauty treatments of modern times only fulfill physical needs, but they do not reveal the secret that every cell in your skin glows and fills with energy and radiance.


Common causes of skin problems are age, stress, unhealthy lifestyle, such as - smoking, alcohol and drug abuse, wrong eating habits, hormonal changes in the body, and poor digestion. There are many natural beauty remedies to rejuvenate the skin, which also helps in cleansing and rejuvenating the skin.


Here is a list of the best remedies to get healthy and radiant skin.


Home Remedies

There are many remedies in Ayurveda to conserve beauty. Ayurvedic scrubs or boils nourish the skin softly and help the skin breathe better. The best thing about this is that for this you will get all the ingredients in your kitchen.

To Sweat

Running, jogging, and doing a few rounds of Surya Namaskar at a rapid pace will cause the necessary blood circulation in your body. Sweating is considered good for healthy skin. After your practice, take a bath with cold water, as it will also clean your skin.

Practice Yoga

If you have practiced downward facing posture, then you must have noticed that while doing this asana, your attention slowly comes to breathing. The beauty of yoga practice is that your attention is drawn from the body (when stretched) to the breath. Every time, when you exhale, a lot of toxic substances are released from the body. Your body is purified in the conscious process of yoga and breathing. This makes your skin refreshed and energetic. This helps in maintaining the skin radiance.

Know about your Nature and Faults

Are there some days when you apply any lotion, but your skin remains dry. Sometimes you and your friends use the same product, but the effect is different for both of you. This is due to the unique nature of the body. According to Ayurveda, each person combines two or three natures: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha.


The interesting thing is that each nature has its special qualities, which determine your body and personality as well as the texture of your skin. If your skin is dry, then it is likely that you have Vata nature. The skin of the body of a bile nature is normal, while the oily skin is usually of people of Kapha nature. Knowing the nature of your body helps in understanding what kind of food you should eat and what type of food you should not eat.


Adopt Natural Cuisine

Our body becomes like the food we eat. Therefore, definitely fresh, clean, and juicy food makes our skin come alive. It is advisable to eat a balanced diet at the right time, in the right amount, with adequate protein, vitamins, fruits, and leafy vegetables.

Follow the Weekly Manual

Gentle oil massage on the face also works wonders. Depending on the nature of your skin, you can choose KsheerBal or Narayana oil. Mustard, coconut, almond, or kumkadi are very good nutrients, which help to get glowing skin.

SudarshanKriya is - the Mantra of Unique Beauty

Do you think that breathing properly can relieve you from spots and pimples? Yes, definitely can be found. When we are at rest, pimples and red spots due to stress begin to subside. SudarshanKriya (Special Respiratory Technique) removes tension from both body and mind and establishes harmony and balance in body and mind.

Meditate Daily

A candle spreads light. Meditation indicates how much light is in the candle burning inside you. The more you meditate, the more you shine. We often see that artists create an aura behind meditators. This fantasy is not concocted. this is true. Meditators shine from both inside and outside .....thus they do not need to do makeup.

Silence is Best

How do you feel when you talk too much over a long period of time? Often all your energy is spent. Talking constantly can be enjoyable, but it fills your body and mind with meaningless things. A lot of energy is conserved through silence. If you want to do something for this, then do a Part - 2 programs of the Art of Living. The tremendous effect of deep meditation with silence will surprise you.

Keep your Mind Safe

If you are sad, angry, or disappointed, your face does not look good. So, make sure that you earn peace and happiness for the mind, which no one can move. For this, meditation is the only way. Meditation is not only for certain people, but it has become a necessity.

Stay Young all Your Life

We should be happy with the wrinkles and white hair falling on the journey of life. In general, looking beautiful means looking young and our new attitude towards events. But, the secret is that if you feel young, you look young. Meditation slows down the aging process and makes you young and refreshed. So, go ahead, stop dreaming, and be a young 18-year-old at heart.