Green Tea

What are the Benefits of Green Tea for Health?

Tea has many benefits, some of it is very important such as keeping the heart healthy, reducing weight and getting rid of diseases like cancer, diabetes.

According to researchers (Researchers) the catechin present in green tea, also known as EGCG (Epigallocatechin - 3 - Gallate), has proved very helpful for us.


Protects Against Cancer

According to preliminary studies, green tea drinkers may reduce the risk of cancer, but no strong evidence has yet been found.

We have come to know that EGCG present in it helps to inhibit the growth of cancer cells which protects us from many types of cancer.


Green Tea Reduce the Risk of Heart Disease

Clinical studies have shown that it reduces harmful cholesterol, which directly helps protect against cardiovascular disease.

Tea Helps in Diabetes and Blood Pressure

Polyphenols present in it reduce the risk of diabetes as it helps in balancing the level of glucose in the body.

Due to its anti-oxidant, anti-diabetes properties, it has also proved beneficial in type-2 diabetes.

Not only this, but the anti-oxidant present in it also helps in stopping our blood pressure.

Drinking 3 - 4 cups of green tea can control our blood pressure.


Green Tea Helps in Weight Loss

In today's time, every person is aware of his weight. Everybody wants to keep themselves fit. I am saying right, am I?

Yes, so let's know how green tea helps us stay fit.

Being an anti-oxidant present in green tea helps in reducing weight by increasing the metabolism of our body. Even exercising after drinking green tea has a very good effect on our health.


Green Tea Helps in Anxiety and Stress

In today's race, everyone wants to move forward and in this round, they forget to give time to themselves, which increases their stress level.

So let us know how green tea helps in relieving stress.

L-Theanine in green tea provides comfort to our mind which helps us in fighting stress. The aroma of its different flavors captivates our minds.

Getting 3-4 cups of green tea a day can reduce stress.


What are the Benefits of Green Tea for Skin ?

Along with health, green tea also helps our skin to look soft and beautiful.

Green Tea Helps in Treating the Dark Circles

Due to stress in such a rush or lack of sleep, anyone can suffer from dark circles.

Teabags help in making them look good by reducing dark circles, swelling, and redness of our eyes.


Green Tea Helps in Reducing Anti-Aging Signs

Nowadays it is common practice to have wrinkles before time.

People use different types of creams to reduce it, which we do not see any effect.

Have you ever thought that green tea will also help reduce our facial wrinkles?


Green Tea Helps in Treating Acne

Have you ever thought that apart from eating curd, we can use it in other things?

It helps in reducing inflammation or killing pimples caused by those bacteria.


Green Tea Protects from Sunburn

Green tea acts as a natural sunscreen. It cools the skin. Not only this, but the anti-oxidants present in it also remove the tan and stain spots.

What are the Benefits of Green Tea for Hair ?

Due to its antiseptic properties in green tea, it removes problems like dandruff and hair loss.

Everybody loves their hair very much. He cannot see them falling.


Hence green tea is also known to strengthen and soften hair. The nutrients present in it help to make hair shiny.